Archive for the ‘Resume’ Category

One – Do not include an objective on your resume. Your objective is to get the job; that is why you are sending the resume. Save the space! (Note: There are some resume professionals who recommend an objective. However, in the legal industry they are not generally approved of) Two – Do not include “references […]

Think The Scarlet Letter doesn’t apply in today’s modern society? THINK AGAIN! The Internet makes public branding and humiliation easier, faster and more global in scope. There is a law that requires the “Oklahoma Department of Health to publish data online on all abortion patients — including the woman’s race, marital status, financial circumstances, years […]

There are plenty of style books out there. See the list to the right on this blog. Yes, In Style and the MLA Style Handbook both have a place on this list.  While most people do well in a LBD (Little Black Dress) or grey pin-stripe suit there are those people who do better, feel […]

Keep your contact information heading consistent across all of your documents, including your cover letter,  resume, thank you notes and references. Consider it your stationary stationery.

Two for the price of one. 1. If you include a “skills” section, or more specifically, a “computer skills” section on your resume you do not need to include Microsoft Word on your list of skills.  Chances are you used Word to type your resume and the fact that you typed your resume indicates your obvious ability to […]

You must know or figure out very quickly, how you learn. How do you work most effectively and efficiently? Knowing those things can make you productive in one environment and stagnant in another. Your work environment and the way you interact with the space and the people around you will effect how you learn, produce […]

Since this is my first post on this blog and I’ve included my first post from my other blog, EventsbyJES, about this blog here on this blog….well, you can see how easily repetition gets confusing, annoying and unnecessary. Just using the same word in the same experience entry can be tiresome. Are there exceptions? Of […]