Attorney’s Counsel – Why and What Now?


Attorneys Counsel Logo Tara Kachaturoff of TeachMeLaw Radio and I spoke recently about Attorney’s Counsel. Since some of you do not yet know what I do and why, here is a portion of the interview transcript so that you all know where I gained my expertise and why I love what I do. If you have any questions, fire away (no pun intended)!

Tara: You have a really interesting business. And it’s more relevant than ever especially in the economy today.

Jessica:  I’m an attorney. I went to law school. I am now Principal of Attorney’s Counsel, which is a resume review, interview skills assessment and social media firm. We help lawyers, and occasionally other professionals, perfect the skills and documents to move their career forward.

I did practice for a number of years. I did Holocaust restitution and women’s health product liability before going back to legal recruiting, which I had pursued in law school. I did tons of legal placements for a number of years and then at the end of 2008, the industry dried up. I had been working very closely with the New York City Bar Association, first as a member of the Career Advancement and Management Committee.

Now I’m currently Chair of the Law Student Perspectives Committee. Knowing that I had that outlet, I was speaking in plenty of programs quite frequently I knew that people really needed job search help. Many lawyers still don’t know that they need the help. Also knowing and having been a member of the club that lawyers really want to talk to other lawyers, I started Attorney’s Counsel.

Now, my day-to-day is working with my clients. I’m also currently consulting with agencies that want to start their own temp division.

Tara: I really love your whole idea of your business and it’s in a niche. Obviously you have experience and you are an attorney. You help other people find positions or spruce up resumes or get a resume put up together in the first place.

Thank you Casting Words for this transcript.

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